the kins...
clay puppington
apollo justice (no dbls)
kusuke saiki
nagisa ran
illumi zoldyck
shaiapouf (no dbls)
serizawa katsuya
lemon yamabuki
pepper (meowman) (no dbls)
junseok hangyeong
Do Not Interract if...
Basic dni stuff
U got beef with my close friends
Are uncomfortable with reclaimable slurs
i am not responsible for your triggers. if i accidentally trigger you i am so fucking sorry. i will not be putting trigger warnings on any of my posts and if you have a very specific trigger like the word moist and i happen to say something like "this cake is moist" and you comment ":/ put a tw." youre getting blocked. keep that in mind b4 you follow
i suicide bait if u don’t wanna see that and find that triggering do not follow.....
-dry humps you...-

i am pouf if you think ur pouf ur like mental or somethjng and should maybe kill yourself tbfh